Terms of Use

Last Updated: 08/08/2024


These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity ("you"), and EMFORX Solutions Private Limited ("Company," "we," "us," or "our"). This agreement governs your access to and use of the Sabkaworld.com website (the "Site") and related services, including any media form, media channel, mobile website, or Sabka mobile application (the "App") (collectively, the "Sabka Services").

The primary purpose of the Sabka mobile app and Sabkaworld.com site is to facilitate job seekers in finding suitable employment and job providers in identifying potential employees. The Sabka App provides an online platform for various services including:

  • Profile creation for job seekers and job providers.
  • Job application and posting.
  • Uploading of photographs and logos.
  • Searching for suitable job opportunities or candidates.
  • Communication options (chat, apply, WhatsApp, call) between registered job seekers and job providers.
  • Access to certain paid services.
  • Advertisement platform for our own and other companies’ products and services.

By accessing the Sabka App, Sabkaworld.com website, and/or the Sabka Services, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these terms, you are prohibited from using the Sabka App/Site and Sabka Services and must discontinue use immediately.

Supplemental terms or documents may be posted on the Site/App and are incorporated herein by reference. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. Changes will be indicated by updating the "Last updated" date, and you waive the right to specific notice of each change. Continued use of the Site/App after posting revised Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of the changes.

The information provided on the Site/App is not intended for distribution in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Users accessing the Site/App from other locations are responsible for compliance with local laws.


Unless otherwise stated, the Site/App and Sabka Services are the proprietary properties of EMFORX Solutions Private Limited. This includes all source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, graphics (collectively, the "Content"), and trademarks, service marks, and logos (the "Marks") on the Site/App. These are protected by copyright, trademark laws, and other intellectual property rights.

The Content and Marks are provided "AS IS" for your information and personal use only. You are granted a limited license to access and use the Site/App and to download or print a copy of any portion of the Content to which you have properly gained access for your personal, non-commercial use. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by us.


By using the Site/App or Sabka Services, you represent and warrant that:

  • You have the legal capacity and agree to comply with these Terms of Use.
  • You are not a minor in your jurisdiction.
  • You will not access the Site/App or Sabka Services through automated or non-human means.
  • You will not use the Site/App for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.
  • Your use of the Site/App or Sabka Services will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

Providing false, inaccurate, or incomplete information may result in suspension or termination of your account.

Reasons for rejection of employer or candidate profiles or job listings may include, but are not limited to, the following factors:

  • Invalid company name
  • Inaccurate company logo
  • Invalid job role
  • Personal category designation
  • Inappropriate profile photo
  • Educational qualifications not aligned with job requirements
  • Salary declared / expectations not matching the job role
  • Suspicious or inappropriate job posts
  • Suspected impersonation
  • Lack of cooperation during verification attempts
  • Unreliable facts presented in the job post
  • Failure to disclose recruitment agency status
  • Violation of Terms & Conditions in posted content

Additionally, we reserve the right, at our discretion, to conduct virtual or physical verifications to authenticate profiles or job listings. Failure to comply with verification requests may lead to the rejection of such profiles or listings.

We may add or fix graphic images as your profile photos or logos in case you have not set the same. This graphic image setting is just for representational purpose and they are not real or represents original images of users. Users at any point of time can reset their original profile photos or logos.

Reported user profiles will undergo factual verification, and depending on findings, may be temporarily or permanently blocked. Management retains full authority to approve, reject, or block any profile at any time, with or without prior notice to the affected users

4. Sabka Services

We strive to display the profiles, job listings, features, specifications, and details of the Sabka Services as accurately as possible. However, we do not guarantee their accuracy, completeness, reliability, or error-free nature. Availability of Sabka Services is not guaranteed at all times and certain services may be available exclusively online for paid members.

We reserve the right to limit or discontinue any Sabka Services at our discretion without notice. We do not guarantee satisfactory responses from employers or candidates, nor do we guarantee the acts and credentials of employers, employees, or any communications beyond our platform's intended scope. This is applicable irrespective of the service is paid or not .

Users must verify the authenticity of any responses or listings before acting on them and are responsible for their safety and information security. We will not ask for personal, banking, or other sensitive information, and users should be aware of potential scams.

In certain payment services, we may utilize verbal, digital, or real platforms to communicate or conduct interviews with job seekers and employers. These communications and interviews may be recorded and shared with our clients and vendors to expedite and enhance our clients' employment search and opportunities.

Please note that we are not liable or responsible for any misrepresentations or misuse of such communications or content transfers on online platforms, as there is a potential for such occurrences. Users with concerns regarding this policy are strongly advised to refrain from opting for such payment or personalized services.

As part of certain payment services, we may guide candidates to make modifications to their resumes, appearance, and presentation styles. Additionally, we may advise candidates to participate in direct mock interviews conducted by us to enhance their performance during actual interviews. These activities are designed to maximize the candidate's chances of securing employment. However, the final outcome is entirely dependent on the candidate's performance during the real interview and the hiring decisions made by the employers. We do not have any direct or indirect influence over the hiring decisions of employers.

We may utilize our online platforms as an advertising medium for other companies' products and services. However, we do not warrant the outcomes of such advertisements, nor do we assume responsibility for the content therein.


Our payment gateway for online transactions is Pay U. Payment data is stored by Pay U, and users should review their privacy notice and terms & conditions using given link : https://payu.in/payu-terms-and-conditions/. Purchased plans are time-based services and are non-refundable and non-transferable.


You may not use the Site/App for any unauthorized or illegal activities. This includes but is not limited to data mining, fraudulent activities, harassment, uploading harmful materials, impersonation, and unauthorized use of the Sabka Services. Violation of these terms may result in suspension or termination of your account.


Users may have the opportunity to submit content ("Contributions") to the Site/App. Contributions must comply with applicable laws and regulations, and users retain ownership of their Contributions. By submitting Contributions, you grant us the right to use and share them. We are not responsible for user-generated content.


We reserve the right to monitor the Site/App for violations of these Terms of Use, take appropriate legal action, and manage the Site/App to protect our rights and ensure proper functionality.


These Terms of Use remain effective while you use the Site/App. We reserve the right to deny access, terminate accounts, and take legal action against users who violate these Terms of Use.


We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Site/App or Sabka Services at any time without notice. We are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused by modifications, interruptions, or discontinuance of the Site/App or Sabka Services


These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of India. Any disputes arising from these Terms shall be exclusively resolved in a court located in Calicut, Kerala, India.


Informal Negotiations

To expedite resolution and control costs, the Parties agree to first attempt to resolve any dispute informally for at least 60 days before initiating arbitration. Informal negotiations commence upon written notice from one Party to the other. For disputes related to the Site/App or Sabka Services, please contact our Grievance Officer at: sabkasupport@emforx.com.

13. Binding Arbitration

If informal negotiations fail, disputes will be resolved by binding arbitration in Calicut, India, under the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended. An independent and neutral arbitrator, identified by the Company, will make the final and binding decision.

14. Exceptions to Informal Negotiations and Arbitration

The following disputes are not subject to informal negotiations and binding arbitration: (a) disputes related to intellectual property rights, (b) allegations of theft, piracy, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized use, and (c) claims for injunctive relief. If this provision is found unenforceable, disputes will be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction listed above.

15. Corrections

We reserve the right to correct any typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions related to the Sabka Services, including descriptions, pricing, and availability, on the Site/App without prior notice.

16. Disclaimer

The Site/App and Sabka Services are provided "as-is" and "as available." Your use of the Site/App and Services is at your sole risk. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Site/App content and assume no liability for any (1) errors or inaccuracies, (2) personal injury or property damage resulting from your use, (3) unauthorized access to our servers, (4) interruptions or cessation of transmission, (5) bugs or viruses transmitted via the Site/App, or (6) errors or omissions in content. We are not responsible for third-party content or services advertised on the Site/App.

17. Limitations of Liability

In no event will we or our directors, employees, or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including lost profits or data, arising from your use of the Site/App or Sabka Services. Our liability to you will always be limited to the lesser of the amount paid by you to us, if any.

18. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless from any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of the Sabka Services, breach of these Terms, violation of third-party rights, or harmful acts towards other users. We reserve the right to assume exclusive defense and control of any matter requiring indemnification by you.

19. User Data

We will maintain data transmitted to the Site/App for managing the Sabka Services. Although routine backups are performed, you are solely responsible for your data. We are not liable for any loss or corruption of data, and you waive any right of action arising from such loss.

20. Electronic Communications, Transactions, and Signatures

By using the Site/App and communicating with us electronically, you consent to receive electronic communications. You agree that electronic agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications satisfy legal requirements for written communication. You accept the use of electronic signatures and records for transactions initiated or completed via the Site/App.

21. Miscellaneous

These Terms of Use, along with any policies or rules posted on the Site/App, constitute the entire agreement between you and us. Our failure to enforce any right or provision does not waive that right or provision. We may assign our rights and obligations to others. We are not liable for any loss or delay caused by factors beyond our control. If any part of these Terms is deemed unlawful or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship is created between you and us as a result of these Terms or use of the Sabka Services.

22. Contact Us

To resolve a complaint or request further information regarding the Site/App or Sabka Services, please contact us at: mail@sabkaworld.com

To make a vendor , advertisement , empanelling or other requests or any further information regarding the company, please contact us at: mail@emforx.com

Emforx Solutions Private Limited
21/152, Corrazone Panandans, Cochin University P.O, Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala, 682022